H Y P E R I C U M montanum.
Mountain St. John s Wort.
P O L Y A D E L P H I A Polyandrla.
Gen. Char. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5. Filaments numerous,
united at the bafe into 3 or 5 fets. Capf.
S p e c . C h a r . Styles three. Calyx with glandular
ferratures. Stem erect, round, fmooth. Leaves
ovate, naked.
Sy n . Hypericum montanum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1105.
Hudf. FI. An. 333. With. Bot. Arr. 815. Sibtb.
Ox. 235.
H. elegantiffimum non ramofum, folio lato. Rail
Syn. 343.
F r o m Charlton wood. This fpecies, juftly denominated,
elegant by the old writers, is found in various parts of England
upon gravel or chalk, as between Norwich and Thorpe,
upon wild fhrubby hills; It flowers in July.
The root is perennial, producing feveral Items, which rife
to the height of 2 feet or more, and are Ample, round, fmooth
and leafy, molt naked in the upper part. Leaves oppoflte, fef-
file, ovate, ribbed, fmooth on both fldes, entire, their margin
dotted with purple beneath. Panicle terminal, upright, of feveral
elongated forked branches, quite deftitute of leaves, by
which laft mark (befldes its fmoothnefs) it is diftinguifhed from
H. hirjutuniy but furnilhed with a few fmall oppoflte lanceolate
braftese, fringed with a row of brown glands on little foot-
ftalks. The calyx-leaves, which are lanceolate, are fringed in
the fame manner, and give the flowers a refemblance to the
mofs-rofe. Petals lemon-coloured, elliptical, a little oblique,