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AR A B 1 S Turrita.
Tower Wall-Crefs.
L E I R A D Y N A M I A Siliquofa.
Gen. Char. Nectariferous glands four, each reflexed
like a fcale between the calyx leaves.
Spec. Char. Leaves embracing the Item. Pods
bent backwards, flat and linear, with an incraf-
fated margin.
S yn. Arabis Turrita. Linn. Sp. PI. 930. Hudf. FI.
An. 293. With. Bot. Arr. 703. Relh. Cant. 255.
F o u n d hitherto only on the walls of Trinity and St.
John’s College, Cambridge, where it was firft obferved by the
late ProfefTor Martyn, and from whence the Rev. Mr. Sutton
favoured us with fpecimens.
We do not pretend to anfwer for the generic charafter of
this plant, which but ill accords with that of Arabis, to which
genus it feems to have been referred chiefly from its habit.
The glands are in fa£t 2 within the fhorter ftamina, and
2 without the longer, “ as in Braffica” ( Martyn). Much has
been faid and written about the infufficiency of thefe glands to
diferiminate the genera of this order; but as we have not yet
found any fixed principles upon which to reform the whole
tribe, we are obliged to take things as Linnaeus has left them.
The root is woody, and biennial, according to Mr. Relhan.
Stems full a foot high, fimple, upright. Leaves pale green,
dentated, roughifh; the radical ones ovate, lengthened out at
the» bafe; thofe on the item embracing it more than half
round. Flowers pale fulphur-coloured, in a leafy fpike. Pods
very long, linear, flat, at firft ere£t, then divaricated and pendent.
Their edge is thicker than in A. pendula, which Haller
fays is the fame fpecies. We do not find the calyx at all
rugofe. The flowers appear in May.