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T R I FO L IUM filiforme.
Slender Yellow Trefoil.
Gen. Char. Flowers more or less capitate. Pod
scarcely longer than the calyx, never bursting, but
falling off entire.
Spec. Char. Heads lax, of few flowers. Flower-
stalks waved. Standard smooth. Stems prostrate.
Leaflets all nearly sessile.
Syn. Trifolium filiforme. Linn. Sp. PL 1088. Sm.
FI. Brit. 792. Huds. 329. With. 655. Hull. 164.
Relh. 290. Sibth. 231. Abbot. 164.
T. lupulinum minimum. Dill, in Rail Syn. 331.
t. 14. f 4.
TR IFO LIUM jiliforme is common in gravelly pastures in
various parts of England, often growing indiscriminately with
the species in our last plate, and flowering at the same season.
The root is annual. The size of the plant often exceeds the
smaller variety of T. minus, but, in Norfolk at least, it is generally
smaller; like that, it is procumbent and very slender.
Every part in general is smooth and without hairs, except a
slight pubescence on the flower-stalks, and sometimes on the
upper part of the stem. All the leaflets sessile, on a short
common footstalk. Flowers on very slender, waved, seldom
straight, stalks, from 3 to 8, on capillary partial stalks, longer
in proportion than in the foregoing, and leaning one way.
Pods but slightly recurved, laxly spreading, scarcely covered
by the dried corolla, which in that state is of a whitish colour.
When fresh the flowers are yellow. The standard is smooth,
not furrowed. The calyx-teeth quite smooth, and less remarkably
disproportioned than in T. minus.