/O 3 - [ 208 ]
G E N I S T A pilofa.
Hairy Green-Weed.
D I A D E L P H I A Decandria,
Gen. Char» Gal. 2-lipped, with 2 teeth above, 3 below.
Standard oblong, bent backwards from the
reft of the flower.
Spec. C har. Leaflets lanceolate, obtufe. Stem tuber-
culated, proftrate.
Syn. Genifta pilofa. Linn. Sp. PL 9 9 9 ., HudJ. FI.
An. 3x1 . With. Bot. Arr. 75 9 .
H i g h Tandy heaths about Bury produce in abundance this
very rare plant, and we received it from thence by. favour of
William Mathew, Efq. flowering in May. After the flowers
are pall, it is (as Mr. Woodward obferved) very difficult to be
found; and either from this caufe, or its being extremely local,
efcaped the notice of Ray and the accurate obfervers of his
Root woody and perennial. Stems like thofe of a dwarf
willow, proftrate, branched, tuberculated wherever former
leaves have grown, angular and leafy towards their extremities,
and their very youngeft branches are filky, like the backs of the
leaves, which are- ternate, fmall and obtufe. Flowers' numerous,
folitary or in pairs, of a full yellow, with filky footftalks
and calyx. The teeth of the latter are all very (hort, and the
2 upper ones broadeft. Seeds about 3 or 4 in the unripe ger-
men. The back of the ftandard is often as filky as the calyx,
and even the keel is hairy.