3 &) r[ 901 ]
A R A B I S thaliana.
Common W all-C refs.
G en. Char. Nectariferous glands 4, oblong, fcale-
like, reflexed. Cal. clofed ; two o f its leaves
gibbous at the bafe. Stigma Ample. Pod linear*
Spec. Char. Leaves hairy, moreorlefs toothed ; the
radical ones on footftalks. Stem branched. Pods
pointing upwards.
S yn. Arabis thaliana. Linn. Sp. PI. 929. Sm. FL
Brit. 712. Hudf. 292. With. 587. Hull. 147.
Relh. 254. Sibth. 205. Abbot. 145. Curt. Lond.
fafc. 2. t. 49. Dickf. H. Sicc. fafc. 17. 12.
Turritis vulgaris ramofa. Ran Syn. 294.
C oM M O N on walls, roofs, and dry gravelly places, flowering
in April.
Root annual, tapering, fibrous. Stem folitary, upright*
from 2 to 10 inches high, branched, leafy, round, hairy about
the bafe. Leaves lanceolate, hairy, unequally toothed or fer-
rated, fometimes entire, efpecially when the plant is ftarved
and diminutive; the radical ones lying clofe to the ground ; the
reft alternate, and fmaller. Flowers corymbofe, on (lender
(talks, final 1* white. Calyx briftly upwards. Petals ereft.
Nectariferous glands minute, like little curved fcales at the
bafe of the ftamina, but not projecting between the calyx-
leaves, nor do they feem to us conftant or confpicuous enough
in this or any other Arabis to make a generic character. The
pods ftand nearly ereCt on fpreading (talks, and are linear, a
little rugged, but deftitute of hairinefs.
The whole plant partakes of the pungent flavour of its clafs,
but is not remarkable for any peculiar quality. After fluttering
its feeds in May it foon withers and difappears.