V I C I A hybrida.
Hairy-flowered Yellow Vetch.
D 1 A D E L P H I J . Decandria.
G e n . C h a r . Stigma tranfverfely bearded on the lower
S p e c . C h a r . Pods feffile, folitary, reflexed, hairy.
Stipulæ green. Standard of the flower hairy.
Leaflets emarginate.
S y n . Vicia hybrida. Linn. Sp. PI. 1037. Jacq. Hort.
t. 146.
V. luteo flore fylveftris. Rail Syn. 321.
( jA T H E R E D by A. B. Lambert, Efq. in June 1797, on
Glaftonbury Tor hill, Somerfetfhire, as mentioned by Ray; for
our fpecimens prove the plant of Ray to be V. hybrida, and not
lutea as Hudfon thought. Indeed it appears the laft-mentioned
author never knew the real hybrida, as it does not grow at Wey-
mouth; and we have detected what he gathered there for this
fpecies to be another, hitherto nondefcript, as will appear in
the next page.
The plant now before us has generally taller and rather
more upright ftems than V. lutea, which it otherwife very
nearly refembles in habit and leading characters. The flowers
are generally yellow, {freaked a little with pale purplifli red ;
we know, not that they ever vary to grey or purple. They are
eflentially characterifed by the back of their ftandard or vexillum
being hairy. Another mark of this fpecies is the ftipulx being
entirely green. The leaflets vary greatly in fhape, as in molt
of this tribe, but are always more obtufe and emarginate than
thofe of V. lutea. As in that fpecies, they are hairy, as well
as the pods. The root is perennial.