
[ 4 69 J
C A R D AMI N E haftulata.
Alpine Ladies-fmock.
G en. Char. Pod burfting elaftically, the valves turning
back. Stigma entire. Cal, a little fpreading.
One Gland on each fide, between the fhorter fta-
mina and the calyx.
Spec. Char. Radical leaves haftate or lyrate ; ftem-
leaves lanceolate, entire.
Sy n . Cardamine petraea. Lightf. 347. t. 15. ƒ. 2.
S e n t b y M r . M a ck a y from S co tland , w h ere it grows in alp
in e fituations upon moift rocks and about rivulets, flowering
in Ju ly. ' .
R o o t perennial, long and fomewhat w o o d y, branching at the
fum m it, and c row ned b y feveral tufts o f fpreading leaves,
w h ich are fmall, flightly fuc cu len t, halbert-fhaped, fometimes
(h a v in g tw o fmall additional lobes towards the bafe) becoming
lyra te ; the lobes are mo ftly entire, fca rcely ever toothed. T h e
leaves on the Item, excep t one or tw o at the bo ttom, are altern
a te , lanceolate approaching to e llip tical, obtufe, entire, w ith
n ev e r more than one folita ry notch in any o f th em, and that
ra re ly. Stem ere£t, round, fmooth, a little branched, bearing
fpiked clufters o f pedunculated flowers, rather large in proportion
to the plant, w h ite or purplifh. C a ly x a little fpreading,
its edges wh ite . Pe ta ls fpreading, entire. S tigm a Ample, obtufe.
V a lv e s o f the pod burfting from the bafe and in fome
degree recurved.
T h a t th is is th e plant M r . L igh t fo o t intended, w e kn ow by
Specimens from h im fe lf and M r . Stuart. H is figure indeed is
not e xtreme ly c o r r e c t ; bu t his defcription, w h ich feems to be
o r ig inal, is v ery good. W e have received from M r . Ja cquin
ju n . fo r C. fetrea, a fpecimen differing from ours only in ha v in
g the radical leaves le fs deeply lobed, and fca ttered w ith a
few fimple w h ite hairs, wherea s ours are quite fmooth, exc ep t
th a t one fpecimen has a few fuch hairs on the leaf-ftalks. Ph e
true Sw ed ilh C . petraa o f Linnseus is h ow e v e r a different
p lant, w ith oblong many-toothed fmoo th leaves,^ more near to
Ja cquin’ s than to ours, fo that w e have been obliged to choofe
a n ew name. N e ith e r dare w e quote the W e lc h plant o f R a y ,
D ille n iu s , H u d fon , and W ith e r in g , w h ich upon the moft accura
te fc ru tin y w e be lie ve to be Arabis hifpida o f Linnseus, b y
miftake called Sifymbrium arenofum in his F lo . S u e c . th e la tte r
n o t be ing a native o f Sweden. In this Arabis the leaves are lyra te
w ith fev eral lobes, and c lothed w ith fo rk ed and branched
ha irs •, th e pods b u r ft at th e top fir ft, then a t th e b o ttom, and
th e valves do n o t cu r l b a c k ; fo th at it is no Cardamine. W e
recommend i t to the examination o f W e lc h botanifts. W e have
a fp ec imen o f the fame (w ith ou t fru£lification) gathered in
S co tland b y a M r . L ind e fa y in 172 8 , evidently different from
o u r C . haftulata. Flo. Dan. t. 386 feems intended fo r th is Ara-
bis hifpida.