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D E N T A R I A bulbifera.
Bulbferpus Coral-wort.
T E T R A D T N A M I A Sitiquofa.
Gen. Char. Pod burfting elaftically, the valves rolling
back. Stigma notched. Calyx-leaves connected
Spec. Char. Lower leaves pinnated; the uppermofi:
Syn. Dentaria bulbifera. Linn. Sp. PI. 9 1 2 . HudJ.
FI. An. 2 8 5 . With. Bot.Arr. 683.
T h i s rare plant g row s w ild in fome few parts o f England,
in fhady places, e fpecia lly at Ha re fie ld, in a grove n ow belongin
g to W illiam Baynes E fq . and in fome parts o f Buckingham-
fhfre n o t far from thence. O u r fpecimen w a s ob ligingly communicated
b y the R e v . D r . Good enough from his garden at
E a lin g , wh ere the Dentaria is p e r fe c tly n atura lized, and pre-
ferves its original w ild appearance. <
T h e root is perennial, c reeping ho rizon ta lly, w h ite , flelhy,
and Let w ith alternate tooth-like protuberances, w h ich ga ve o c -
cafion to the gener ic name. Stem from the terminal bud o f
the la ft y ea r, e r e f t , round, Ample, 18 to 24 inches h igh , le a fy
in the middle and upper part. Lea ve s alternate •, the 2 or 3
lowermo ft pinnate, o f 5 leaflets, fome above them o f 3, and
the upper ones Ample, gradually leflening 5 leaflets all lanceola
te , v ery ir regula r ly and p artially ferrated, fmooth, rather
fuc cu lent. In the bofom o f m o d o f the leaves (lands a Solita
r y , ova l, fca ly , dark purple bud or bu lb, w h ich fa llin g o f f
v ege tate s in the g rou nd , and thus the plant is copioufly p ro p
a g a ted , like the Lilium bulbiferum ; confequently its feeds are
fca rc e ly ever p e r fec ted , as happens to plants that increafe much
b y root. T h e flowers are in a terminal corymbus, lilac-coloured,
la rge and handfome, appearing early in M a y . T h e ftigma
is roundilh, (lightly notched.