F UMA R . I A lutea.
Yellow Fumitory.
D I A D E L P H I A Hexandria.
'Gen. Char. Cal. z -leaved. Cor. ringent. Filaments 2 ,
membranaceous, each bearing 3 anthera.
Spec. Char. Pods nearly cylindrical, iborter than
their foot-ftalk. Stems fpreading, angular. Brac-
tese minute. Spur fhort, rounded.
Sy n . Fumaria lutea. Linn. Mant. 2. 258. Bauh. Pin.
14 3 . Mill. Ic. t. 13 6 . ƒ . 1. Gmel. Syjl. 1080.
A it. H. Kew. v . 3. 2.
F . capnoides. - With. 620.
F . corydalis. Matth. Valgr. v . 2. 503.
F r o m old walls near Fountain’s Hall, within about 300
yards of the celebrated Abbey of that name in Yorkfhire, communicated
by Mr. W. Brunton jun., flowering in May, 1798.
Dr. Withering, if we are right in our quotation, ot which
there can fcarcely be a doubt, fays it was firft found wild near
Caftleton, Derbyfliire, by a Mr. Howard. It is not rare about
old gardens, and although both the above places of growth
appear to eftablifh it as a native, perhaps it may originally have
efcaped from the garden, like Valeriana rubra, :and lome others
now well eftablifh ed.
Root fibrous and tufted, ftrongly fixed between the ltones,
■perennial. Herb delicate, tender, fmooth, a little glaucous.
Stems fpreading, branched, reddifh, leafy, triangular. 'Leaves
thrice-temate, three-cleft. Flowers fpiked, terminal, yellow.
Brafteae very fmall, ferrated, acute. Spur of the corolla rounded,
incurved, much fhorter than the ftalk, as is likewife the cylindrical
pod. ' . . . „
F. capnoides, with which in his Sp. PI. Linnaeus originally
confounded this, is an annual plant, with large lobed bratteae,
paler flowers, fpur ftraight and taper, as long astheflower-ftalk,,
pods twice as long, and triangular, crowned with the permanent
ftyle. The leaflets are alfo much narrower.