S IN A P I S alba.
White Mustard.
Gen. Char. Cal. widely spreading. Claws of the
petals straight. Nectariferous glands 4. Pod, more
or less cylindrical, the partition longer than the
Spec. Char. Pods bristly, rugged, shorter than their
own two-edged beak. Leaves pinnatifid.
Syn. Sinapisalba. Linn. Sp. PI. 933. Sm. FI. Brit. 721.
Buds. 298. With. 594. Hull. 148. Relh. 263.
Sibth. 208. Abbot. 146. Curt. Lond.fasc. 5.
t. 46. Mart. Rust. t. 70.
Sinapi album, siliqua hirsuta, semine- albo vel ruffo.
Raii Syn. 295.
R a t h e r common in fields, waste ground, and by road sides,
flowering from June to the end of Autumn, and ripening
abundance of seed. In a young state the herb is an ingredient
in salads; and the seeds are used for culinary and medicinal
purposes as well as those of S. nigra, v. 14. t. 969.
Root annual, small, tapering. Stem branched, spreading,
round, leafy, striated, more or less rough with deflexed hairs.
Leaves rough, jagged and toothed; the lowest deeply pinna-
tifid; the uppermost more lyrate. Calyx-leaves linear, green,
spreading horizontally. Petals yellow, obovate, entire, with
long claws. Glands green. Pods on long spreading stalks,
ascending, short, swelling or rugged, ribbed, bristly, containing
about 4 large, globose, pale yellowish seeds, and terminating
in a flat 2-edged green rough beak, longer than the
pod itself, by which this species is well distinguished.