[ 902 1
ERODIUM mofchatum'
Mufky StorF s-bill.
M O N A D E L P H 1 A P entandna.
G en. Char. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5. Honey-glands 5.
Barren filaments 5. Fruit beaked, feparating into
5 capfules, each tipped with a long fpiral awn,
bearded on the infide.
S pec. Char. Flower-ftalks many-flowered. Leaves
pinnate; leaflets nearly feliile, elliptical, unequally
Syn. Erodium mofchatum. HHerit. in Ait. H. Kew.
•v. 2. 414. Sm. Fl. Brit. 728.
Geranium mofchatum. Linn. Sp. PI. 951. Iludf. 300.
With. 609. Hull. 153. Rail Syn. 358.
A RECENT difcovery of the Rev. Mr. Abbot’s on Ampt-
hill warren, Bedfordfhire, who favoured us with this truly wild
fpecimen in April, 1801. The plant fometimes occurs in
elevated paftures, mod frequently in Yorkfhire and Weflmore-
land, flowering throughout the fummer.
Root branched," tapering, fomewhat flefhy, annual. Stems
fpreading clofe to the ground, leafy, round, hairy. Leaves alternate,
compofed of many pairs of almoft fefiile, elliptical,
broad, hairy leaflets, unequally ferrated or cut at their edges,
with an odd terminal one, often united to the next pair.
Stipulae membranous. Flower-ftalks radical or axillary,
curved and fpreading, bearing an umbel of feveral pretty rofe-
coloured flowers, with a round toothed general involucrum.
Calyx tipped with red glands. Fertile ftamina toothed on each
flde at their bafe; the barren ones broad and entire.
The whole herb is hairy and vifcid, diffufing a ftrong mufky
fragrance, for which it is fometimes kept in gardens, and by
which it is known from the common E , cicutarium, as well
as by its broader and lefs divided leaflets.