LEPIDIUM ruderale.
Narrow-leaved Pepper-wort.
Gen. Char. Pouch notched, elliptical, with many
seeds: valves keeled, contrary to the partition.
Spec. Char. Flowers with two stamens, without
petals. Lower leaves pinnatifid, toothed j upper
linear, entire.
Syn. Lepidium ruderale. Linn. Sp. PI. 900. Sm.
FI. Brit. 682. Huds. 279. With. 568. Hull.
145. Relh. 252.
Nasturtium sylvestre, osyridis folio. Raii Syn. 303.
Thlaspi minus. Ger. em. 262.
SEN T from Yarmouth by D. Turner, Esq. in July last. It
grows in maritime places about rubbish, preferring a muddy
or calcareous soil to sand, flowering from June to August.
Root annual. Herb various in luxuriance, foetid and pungent
to the taste and smell when bruised. Stem branched,
round, hoary, leafy. Leaves alternate, fleshy, smooth; the
lower ones pinnatifid, their lobes linear, more or less toothed;
the upper undivided, linear and entire, somewhat revolute.
Flowers minute, numerous, with a white-edged calyx, but
no petals, and only 2 stamens. Dr. Withering mentions the
petals as only “ sometimes wanting,” and that the stamens
are either 2 or 4. Copious seed-vessels are produced in long
spikes, and are roundish, compressed, with a little notch at
the top containing the short style.