/ 5Z, [ 96 ]
H E D Y S A R UM Onobrychis.
D I A D E L P H I A Decandria.
G e n . C har. Keel of the Corolla tranfverfely obtufe.
Pod jointed, with one feed in each joint.
Spec. C h a r . Leaves pinnated. Pod fingle-feeded,
prickly. Wings of the corolla equal to the calyx.
Stem elongated.
S y n . Hedyfarum Onobrychis. Linn. Sp. PI. 1059.
Hud/. FI. An. 322. With. Bot. Arr. 785. Relh.
Cant. 277. Martyn. F l. Ruß. tab. 47.
Onobrychis feu Caput gallinaceum. Rail Syn. 327.
NATIVE of chalky paftures and open downs in various
parts of England, always in dry barren fituations, which its
flowers greatly enliven about June and July.
The plant is readily diftinguifhed from all others of Britifh
growth; and if any doubt could remain, the ample and exadb
defcriptions of Dr. Withering and Mr. Woodward mult entirely
remove it.
This is a valuable plant for cultivation in dry barren foils
for feeding cattle, as it grows luxuriantly where grafs or corn
would yield but a fmall produce. Profeffor Martyn mentions
in his valuable Flora Ruftica above quoted, that its cultivation
began with us about the middle of laft century, and though a
native plant, its feeds were then procured from France and