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A R A B I S ftri£ta.
B r ijio l R ock-C refs.
T E T R AD Y N A MI A Siliquofa.
Gen. Char. NeSariferous glands 4 , oblong, reflexed.
Cal. clofed; two o f its leaves gibbous at the bafe.
Stigma Ample. Pod linear, rugofe.
Spec. Char. Leaves dentate, obtufe, rough ; the radical
ones fomewhat lyrate. Stems rough. Petals
Syn. Arabisftridfa. Iludf. 292. With. 587. Velley PL
Marit. t. 5. Shier cliff's Brijiol Guide, 83, tab.
Turritis Raii. Pillars. Dauph. vol. 3. 326. t. 38.
Cardamine pumila, bellidis folio, alpina. Raii Syn.
ed. 2. 172. ed. 3. 300.?
F E W of our plants are fo local as this. It is not certainly
known to grow in any other part of Britain than on St. Vincent’s
rocks near Briftol, where it was pointed out to me, flowering
in May 1799, by Mr. W. Clayfield and Mr. Dyer. It is
principally to be met with about a mile below the Hot-wells, on
the oppolite fide of the river, growing on the more inacceffible
parts of the rock, and there but in fmall quantity.
The root is certainly perennial, as the withered ftem on our
fpecimen teftifies. Stems generally more than one, fometimes
numerous; ereft, round, a little branched, leafy, hairy below.
Radical leaves many, dentated in a lyrate manner, blunt, rough
with Ample (rarely forked) hairs; ftem-leaves alternate, more
entire; all the leaves are of a deep fhining green, often purplilh
beneath. Flowers few, in upright corymbi, cream-coloured.
Calyx fmooth, very little fpreading, generally quite clofed.
Petals twice as long as the calyx, obtufe, ere£t, by which this
fpecies is readily diftinguiflied. Pods erefit, ftraight, comprefled,
very {lightly rugofe. Seeds many.
We venture to quote, with a mark of doubt, the fynonym of
Ray which has always been quoted for Cardamine bellidifolia,
to which it certainly does not belong, and which is now acknowledged
not to grow at Briftol. It is not improbable our
A.JlriSa may be the plant which Mr. Newton found, and that
he or Ray erroneoufly referred to it the fynonyms of Clufius
and Gerarde by which it is diftinguifhed in the Synopfis. Thefe
fynonyms, however, belong neither to it nor to C. bellidifolia.
\V hat Merret had from Bath and Rippon cannot be determined.