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F U MAR I A parviflora,;.
Small-flowered Fumitory.
D I A D E L P H I A Hexandria.
Gen. Char. Cal. 2-leaved. Cor. ringent. Filaments 2,..
membranaceous, each bearing 3 anthera.
S pec. Char. Spike lax. Pods fingle-feeded, globofe,
pointed. Stem threading. Leaflets with linear
channelled fegments.
St n . Fumaria parviflora. Lamarck Encycl. v . 2. 567.
F. tenuifolia. Sym. Syn. 200.
F . foliis tenuiflimis, floribus albis, circa Monfpe-
lium nafcens. Vaill. Far. 56. t. ,10. ƒ. 5.
D i s c o v e r e d by the late Mr. Jacob Rayer in the
epm-fields about Woldham near Rochefter, in September
1792, and communicated by Mr. T. F. Forfter. I have long
helitated to admit it as a fpecies, but the difference in the
leaves and flowers led me Us a careful examination of the fruit,
fo important in chara&erifing the fpecies of Fumaria in gene- ,
ral, and I have now fcarcely a doubt remaining.
Root, ftem, and glaucous colour much like the common
Fumitory, and the leaves are fimilarly conftru&ed, but their
ultimate fubdivifions are very much narrower, linear, channelled,
and not at all dilated or wedge-fhaped. Flowers not
more than half as large, paler, though fimilar in every part
o f their ftrufture. Seed-veffel globular; but inftead of being
emarginate as in the laft, it is pointed, and on this, circum-
llance the fpecific difference may perhaps be mod fafely refted.
This plant is common in cultivated ground about Paris,
from whence it was communicated to me by the late Mr. Stephen
De Leffert, a very ardent and ingenious young botanift,
fon to the lady to whom Rouffeau addreffed his letters on1 f