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GERANIUM nodofum.
K notty Crane1s-b ill.
Gen. Char. Cal. 5-leaved. P et. 5, regular. Neflary
5 glands. Fruit beaked, feparating into 5 cap-
fules, each tipped with a long, recurved, naked
Spec. Char. Stalks two-flowered. Leaves oppofite,
three-lobed, ferrated. Capfules even, hairy all over.
Syn. Geranium nodofum. Linn. Sp. PI. 953. Sm.
FI. B rit. 730. Hudf. 3 ° I. With. 601. Hull. 1 $2.
G . quintum nodofum Plateau. Rail Syn. 361.
W h e t h e r this Crane’s-bill were really to be found wild
in Britain has been doubted by many botanifts, for many have
certainly fought it in vain. The mountainous parts of Cumberland
alone have been mentioned as producing it. Our fpeci-
men was gathered the middle of laft June, in rather a hilly
fituation between Hatfield and Welwyn, Hertfordfliire, by
the Rev. Dr. Abbot. There is little probability of its having
efcaped from gardens ; for the plant, though elegant, is fcarcely
cultivated except by botanifts.
The root is perennial, creeping, fomewhat tuberous. Stems
a foot and half high, red and Ihining, fwelled below the joints.
Leaves oppofite, ftalked, Ihining, ferrated, divided into three
ftiarp lobes. Flowers large, purple, ftreaked with red, Handing
in pairs on long, red, axillary or terminal ftalks. Brac-
tese linear, acute, red.' Calyx-leaves elliptical, each tipped
with a (hort red awn. Stamina and claws of the petals fringed.
Antherae ten, all perfect. Stigmas red. Capfules elliptical,
fcarcely keeled, deftitute of all inequalities or wrinkles, and
clothed with fhort foft hairs.