COCHLEARIA groenlandiea.
Greenland Scurvy-grass,
TETRADYNAMIA Siliculosa. #
Gen. Char. P o u c h turgid, rugged ; valves gibbous,
obtuse. Calyx spreading, concave.
Spec. Char. Leaves kidney-shaped, fleshy, entire.
Pouch globose,
Syn. Cochlearia groenlandiea. Linn. Sp. PI. 904.
Sm. Tr. o f L inn. Sac. v. 10. 344.
C. minima, erecta et repens, insulas Aalholmianas.
Williusin Bartholin. A ct. Hafnice, v.3 . 1 4 3 ./. 144.
. M u c h doubt has existed among the students of British
plants respecting Cochlearia groenlandiea, for which, what we
judge to be a variety of officinalis t. 551, has often been taken.
Whether the present may possibly be another variety of that
common species we dare not absolutely determine, but it seems
very different, and we can positively assert it to be the Lin«
nasan groenlandiea.
This was found on the mountains of Clova, Angussliire, and
at Loch-ne-gare, in August 1807, by Mr. Geo. Don. The
root consists of numerous fibres, and is said to be annual.
Radical leaves on long stalks, very fleshy, convex beneath,
roundish-kidney-shaped, entire: those of the stem more oblong,
nearly sessile, sometimes with a tooth at, each side. Flowers
large and numerous, white tinged with purple: one cluster
sessile at the root, the rest terminating the branches. Pouch
globose, with a short style, as in C. officinalis.