(o. C 388 ]
D R A B A incana.
'Tw 'ifled-podded Wbitlow-grafs.
T E T R A D Y N AM IA Siliculofa.
Gen. Char. Pouch entire, long oval: valves flattifh,
parallel to the partition. Style none.
Spec. Char. Stem-leaves numerous, hoary. Pouches
oblong, obliquely twitted.
Syn. Draba incana. Linn. Sp. PI. 897. Hudf. FI.
An. 279. With. Bot. Arr. 66g. ed. 3. 566.
FI. Ban. t. 130. Light/. Scot. 338.
Lunaria contorta major. Rail Syn. 291.
A VERY rare inhabitant of alpine calcareous frtuations, in
Wales, Weftmoreland, and Scotland. The root is biennial,
flowering early in the fécond ftimmer. The fpecimen here re-
prefented was fent from Scotland young, by Mr. Mackay near
Edinburgh, and being planted in a garden, flowered more
luxuriantly than is ufual on rocks or walls ; but the plant often
grows as large in rich moiit fpots even on its native mountains.
The fpecimen in Flora Banka is a ftarved one.
Root long, branched. Stem eredt, hairy. Leaves ribbed,
hoary: the radical ones lanceolate, forming a thick rofe-lik&
tuft: thofe on the item feflile, alternate, ovate or wedge-
fliaped, varioufly dentate and notched. Flowers fmall, white,
in a terminal corymbus, which is foon lengthened out into a
racemus. Petals inverfely heart-fhaped. Stigma notched.
Pods oblong, fmooth, tipped with the permanent ftigma, and
Angularly twilled half round. Seeds feveral.
T he item in poor fpecimens is Ample, in more luxuriant
ones branched in an alternate manner.