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LATHYRUS fylveftris.
N a rrow -leav ed JLverlaJltng P ea .
G e n . C h a r . Style flattened, downy above, broader
upwards. Two upper fegments o f the calyx
S p e c . C h a r . Several flowers on a f talk. Tendrils
bearing a pair o f fword-fhaped leaves. Stem
S y n . Lathyrus fylveftris. Linn. Sp. PL 1033. Sm.
F l.B r it. •)§$. Hudf. 316. With. 634. Hull. 161.
Relh. 27a. Sibth. 222. Abbot. 156. Curt. Lond.
fafc. 6. t. 52.
Lathyri majoris fpecies,flore rubente et albido minore,
dumetorum. Ran Syn. 319.
S e n t by Mr. Pitchford from Brundle, Norfolk, where it
was firft obferved by Mr. Humphrey many years fince, on the
brow of a hill near a fpring to the fouth of the church, and
where it ftill grows in great plenty, flowering in July arid
The roots are perennial, long and branching. The ftems
annual, climbing upon buthes or hedges to the height of 5 or
6 feet, branched, winged, fmooth. Tendrils generally three-
cleft, bearing a pair of fword-fliaped, acute, three-ribbed, grafs-
o-reen, fmooth leaves. Stipulae narrow, half-arrow-fhaped, or
rather half-haftate, entire. Flowers many together, on long
axillary ftalks, large and handfome, though lefs fplendid than
thofe of the L. latifolius. Their colours are various tints of
purple and violet, with a tinge of green. Calyx fmooth, with
taper teeth. The pods are fmooth, tawny when ripe, containing
feveral feeds.
It is an ornamental plant, thriving well in moifl: fhrubberies,
but too apt to choak and overwhelm the bufhes that afford it
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