t 1 0 9 2 1
MALVA rotundifolia.
D w a r f Mallow.
y 0
G en. Char. Cal. double ; the outermoft of 3 leaves.
Capfules numerous, circularly arranged. Seeds
Spec. Char. Stems proftrate. Leaves roundifh-
heart-fhaped, five-lobed. Fruit-ftalks bent downward.
Syn. Malva rotundifolia. Linn. Sp. PI. 969. Sm.
FI. Brit. 741. Hudf. 307. With. 612. Hull. 155 •
Relb. 271. Sibth. 215. Abbot. 151. Curt. Lond.
fa fc. 3. t. 43.
M . tylveftris minor. Rail Syn. 251.
C O M M O N in wafte ground, By the tides of roads and
foot-paths, flowering copioufly from June to September.
The root is annual,whitith, fpindle-thaped,branched, abounding
with mucilage like that of M . JylveJlris. Stems feve-
ral, proftrate and divaricated, not much branched, clothed
with numerous, roundith, downy, crenate leaves, plaited and
cut into five or feven lobes, heart-thaped at the bafe, and
Handing on long hairy foot-ftalks. Flowers on thorter ftalks,
which grow feveral together from the bofom of each leaf, and
which are clothed, as well as the calyx, with foft hairs.
Corolla twice the length of the calyx, each fegment notched,
the whole of a pale purple or lilac hue. Capfules wrinkled.
We now prefume our M. fujilla, v . 4. t. 341, to be only
a variety of this fpecies.