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G E N I S T A tindloria.
D y e r s Greenweed.
D I A D E L P H I A Decandria.
Gen. Char. Calyx two-lipped, with two teeth in the
upper lip, and three in the lower. Standard oblong,
bent backwards from the reft of the flower.
Spec. Char. Leaves lanceolate, fmooth. Branches
round, ftriated and eredt.
Syn. Genifta tindforia. Linn. Sp. PI. 998. Hudf.
FI. An. 3 1 1 . With. Bot. Arr. 758. Relh. Cant,
269. Raii Syn. 4 74 .
X N paftures and on dry barren banks in the borders of fields
very frequent. When in flower in the months of July and
Auguft, it entirely clothes the places where it abounds with a
rich glowing yellow. The root creeps very far, and throws up
a great number of Hems, very much branched, one or two
feet high. The branches are fo ftrongly ftriated that they
might almoft be called angular, or rather furrowed. Ray ob-
ferves in his Synopfis, that this plant is but too frequent in
paftures, as^t gives a bitter tafte to the milk of cows which
feed upon it. He adds, that the whole plant dyes a yellow
colour, which by means of woad is afterwards made green;
and Dr. Withering fays the dyers prefer it to all other yellows
for wool that is to be dyed green.
The feeds, in this fpecies at leaft, are generally numerous,
fcarcely ever folitary, as defcribed in the Genera Planiarum.