/ ‘S I, [ 945 ]
TRIFOLIUM procumbens.
Hop ‘Trefoil.
DIADELPHIAi Decandria.
G e n . C h a r . Flowers more or lefs capitate. Pod
fcarcely longer than the calyx, never hurtling, but
falling off entire.
S p e c . C h a r . Heads oval, imbricated. Standard de-
flexed, permanent, furrowed. Stems procumbent.
Leaflets obovate.
S y n . Trifolium procumbens. Linn. Sp. PL 1088.
Sm. FI. Brit. 792. With. 654. Hull. 164.
Sibth. 230. Abbot. 163.
T . agrarium. Hudf 328. Relb. 283. Curt. Lond.
fa ß . 3. t. 45. Mart. Ruß. t. 121.
T . pratenfe luteum, capitulo Lupuli, vel agrarium.
Rail Syn. 330.
I n rather dry gravelly paftures, and the borders of fields, not
uncommon, acceptable to cattle, flowering in June and July,
and rendered confpicuous in a more advanced ftate by its dry
permanent hop-like heads. 1
Root fmall, but ftrong, annual. Stems fpreading widely,
and naturally procumbent, though fometimes fupported by
other plants, and indeed generally afcending at their extremities
; they are a little branched, leafy, and hairy, often purplifh.
Leaflets obovate, emarginate, toothed, fmooth. Stipulse half-
ovate, acute, entire, ftrongly ribbed, often ciliated. Heads on
flalks, a little fpicate, frequently reaching,,beyond the leaves,
elliptical, obtufe, denfe, many-flowered. Flower-flalks moft
hairy upwards. Calyx-teeth unequal, taper, hairy. Corolla
lemon-coloured, permanent, at length brown and membranous
enfolding the fmall, elliptic, pointed pod, and diftinguiftied’
by its broad, furrowed, or plaited, flandard.
The real Linnaean T. agrarium is an exotic plant, truly
erect, much larger than this, and may be feen in Dickfon’s
Dried Plants, n. 80. The procumbens of Hudfon I am now
convinced is improperly confounded with filiforme in FI. Brit.
and fhall take a future opportunity of explaining them.
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