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U L V A atomaria.
Concentric-dotted Laver.
C R T P T O G A M I A Alga. .
Gen. Char. Frond membranous or gelatinous.
Seeds folitary, fcattered throughout its fubflance,
under the cuticle.
Spec. Char. Frond membranous, flat, dilated, palmate
; its fegments linear, flightly branched, and
fometimes fringed.
Syn. Ulva atomaria. Woodward in T r. of Linn.
Soc. v. 3. 53.
M R . Woodward has firft publilhed a defcription of this
elegant fea-weed in the Tranfaftions of the Linntean Society,
but without a figure ; and it is by his kind permiflion we
are enabled to give a reprefentation of it and the following,
from his own fpecimens.
Mr. Lily Wigg, a moft ingenious and accurate obferver of
nature, difcovered this new fpecies on the Yarmouth coaft,
walhed up by the tide; nor do we know of its having been
found any where elfe.
It feems to have been attached to the ground or rocks by a
fmall dilated downy bafe, immediately above which the frond
dilates into a wedge or fan fhape, various in breadth, divided
in a palmate manner (not down to the bafe) into various unequal
linear, frequently branched, fegments, terminating bluntly
; fometimes entire and naked at the margin, fometimes
fringed with minute teeth pointing upwards. The whole fub-
ftance is thin and membranaceous, of an olive brown. The
feeds are of a darker colour, very minute, and difpofed fome-
what irregularly in numerous tranfverfe concentric lines or
ftripes, which give the plant a beautiful appearance.