C O N P E R V A siliculosa.
Small-podded Conferva.
G en. Char. Seeds produced within the substance of
the capillary orjointed frond, or in closed tubercles
united with it.
Spec. Char. " \ ellowish brown, very much branched,
slender, all.the branches generally alternate,
and pointed. Joints about as broad as long.
Capsules pod-shaped.”
Syn, Conferva siliculosa. Dillw. Syn. n. 112. t. E .
Ceramiuin confervoides. Rotli, Catal. v. 1. 151. t. 8.
/ . 3. v. 3. 148.
G-ATHERED by Mr. W . Borrer, in May last, upon timber
m the sea at Brighthelmston.
Even Mr. Dillwyn doubts whether this be a distinct species
from C. littoralis, t. 2290, though on account of the opinion
of Mr. Hooker, as well as of Dr. Roth in the 3d vol. of his
Catalecta, he has admitted it into his list, and that our work
may not be defective as to any British plant, we follow his example,
and take advantage of his specific character.—The
branches seem to want that twisted appearance observable in
littoralis, nor do their points project in a spreading manner;
but the chief difference, it seems, lies in the fruit, which in
the present case consists of stalked lanceolate pods, not of «lobular
sessile capsules. We find these supposed pods very
thickly jointed, at least in a p p e a r a n c em a y they prove in
reality young branches? Whether they be so or not, the
occurrence of two different shapes of fruit in some other
Conferva, as indicated by Mr, Dillwyn, makes us the more
doubtful concerning this.