t y o [ 1452 ]
TREMELLA ferrugoinea,
P la ited B u s ty Tremella.
Gen. Char. Fructification scarcely perceptible, in a
membranous jelly-like substance.
Spec. Char. Sessile, clustered, lobed, waved, of a
rusty brown 5 the surface finely pubescent.
FO U N D by Mr. Crowe at Lakenham near Norwich, growing
on dead wood in wet weather in winter. We can find no
description nor figure applicable to it, nor has any botanist
W'ho has seen our specimens been able to refer them to any
known species.
The substance is gelatinous, pliable and tender, becoming
thin, shrivelled, and shapeless, when dry, reviving, though imperfectly,
on a reapplication of moisture. The segments are
obtuse, lobed and waved, but not so plaited or sinuous as those,
of T. mesenterica, v. 10. t. 709, neither is the surface, as in that,
smooth, but finely pubescent or granulated, the granulations
pale, giving the plant a velvet-like gloss, with brown irregular
specks, perhaps fructification, among them. The internal
substance is white.
Bulliard’s tab. 4 9 9 . ƒ . 6. X, which he considers as a variety
of T. mesenterica, most resembles our plant; but that is
smooth, with a violet tinge, giving out a fine red brown
colour to wafer, which is of use in painting; all which is inapplicable
to ours.