T I IEM E L L A sarcoides.
Fleshy Tremella.
Gen. Char. Fructification scarcely perceptible, in a
membranous jelly-like substance.
Spec. Char. Sessile, gelatinous, reddish purple ; at
first club-shaped; then rounded, lobed, plaited or
curled; finally blackish.
Syn. Tremella sarcoides. With. v. 4. 78.
T. amethystea. Bull. Fukg.v. 1 . 229. t. 499. ƒ. 5 .
With. v. 4. 82.
Helvella sarcoides. Dicks. Crypt, fa sc . 1 . 2 1 . Hull.
3 9 / . ' Bolt. Fung. v. 3 . 10 1 .'t. 10 1 . ƒ. 2.
El vela purpurea. Schceff. Fung. v. 4. 114. t. 3 23 , 324.
Lichen sarcoides. Jacq. Mise. v. 2. 3 78. t. 22.
F o u n d on rotten wood, in damp shady places during the
autumn. We have gathered it in Tilney gardens, and at Hornsey
and Hampstead. Few, even of this tribe, are more variable
in form. It is first of a club-like figure, erect, with somewhat
of a stalk; but soon dilates into the shape of a top or
funnel, composing aggregate or deformed masses, variously
rounded or lobed. Its substance is semipellucid, gelatinous, with
a toughish elastic skin; the colour a vmous or flesh-like purple
turning dull, and at last black, in decay.
Persoon’s Peziza sarcoides, ( P, tremelloidea of Bulliard,
t. 410. f. 1), which he has confounded with the above, seems
to be a real Pexiza. We have met with' it several times. Its
shape is far less variable; the upper surface deep purpfe; the
outside pale, with branching elevated veins or plaits.