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T R E M E L L A flaccida.
Pendulous Black Tremella.
G en . Char. Fructification scarcely perceptible, in a
membranous jelly-like substance.
Spec. Char. Membranous, thin, flaccid and pendulous,
very black ; externally opaque and rough-
ish ; internally corrugated.
W E conceive this to be a nondescript species of Tremella,
very distinct and curious in its nature, though most akin to Bul-
liard's supposed variety of his Peziza nigra, 1 .116. Ours was
found on the perpendicular trunk of a living Oak in Petersham
park, growing several specimens one above another, drooping
downward in a bell-shaped manner, so that the external surface
of thè plant, which should naturally be inferior, became uppermost.
This surface, when fresh, resembled black crape in colour
and roughness. The inner or concave side, which should
have been uppermost, is smooth and more shining, furnished
with several vein-like wrinkles.