[ 2339 ]
C O N F E R V A Turneri.
Turnerian Conferva.
Gen. Char. Seeds produced within the substance of
the capillary or jointed frond, or in closed tubercles
united with it.
S p e c . C h a r . Red, erect, crowded, oppositely pinnate.
Branches simple or somewhat pinnate. Joints
thrice as long as broad. Capsules globose,- ses-
sile or stalked, on the lower part o f the branches,
leaning one way.
S yn. Conferva Turneri. Dillw. Conf. t. 100. Syn. 79.
n. 144.
Ceramium Turneri. Roth. Catal. v. 3. 128. t. 5. Dillw.
W h a t we figured under this name in v. 23. t. 1637, was
not known to us as C. Plumula of Ellis, nor had we then received
the fasciculus of Dillwyn in which it is exhibited with
that appellation ; owing to accidents incident to such publications.
Still less had we any information of the present being
published in Roth’s third volume, which we have only occasionally
seen. Possibly the two species may have been confounded
in some of our communications respecting them,
though they are unquestionably very different.
This grows on other stouter submarine plants, in dense tuffs,
about an inch high, of a delicate rose-colour. Each frond is
erect, linear-lanceolate, composed in a pinnate manner of numerous
opposite short branches, which are sometimes simple,
oftener imperfectly pinnate, rarely again branched. The joints
throughout are cylindrical, about thrice as long as broad, with
pale partitions. Globose red capsules, sessile or stalked, solitary
or in groups, are found on the upper side of the lower part of
the branches. Our specimens were sent from Southampton by
Miss Biddulph, in Jan. 1806, and June 1807.—To t. 1637
must now be substituted the following synonyms.
C O N F E R V A Plumula.
L it t le Feathery Conferva.
C o n fe rv a P lum u la . Ellis in Phil. Trans, v. 57. 425.
t. 18. ƒ . g. G . Dillw. Conf. t. 50. Syn. 79. n. 145.