< 7 * [ 2117 ]
O en. Char. Fructification scarcely perceptible in a
membranous jelly-like substance»
S p e c . C h a r . Sessile, dilated, obtuse, whitish or somewhat
brownish, pulpy, semipellucid.
Syn. Tremella albida. Buds, 5 6 5 . With. v. 4 . 77.
Hull. 3 0 9 . Relk. 4 7 7 . Sibth. 3 9 2 . Abbot. 2 7 0 .
T . Candida. Fers. Syn. Fung. 6 2 4 ?
T . cerebrina. F u ll. Fung. v. 1 . 2 2 1 ; t. 386»
El vela vicesima. Schæjff. Fung. v. 2 . t. 1 6 8 .
F o u n d oh decayed branches of trees in shady woods, or
according to Relhan on old rails. Mr. Lyell has sent it on a
rotten branch of oak.
It bursts through cracks in the bark, dnd then spreads itself
m horizontal or clustered, rounded, obtuse, scalloped masses,
white, semipellucid, extremely gelatinous and tender when
young; afterwards turning yellowish. Bulliard observes that
in the white state it is often so like the brain of an animal a?
to be capable of deceiving the eye, and if laid on a plate of glass,
covers it with powdery seeds. This circumstance, and its
being-found on old dead wood, proves the vegetable nature
of this production, and that it is not an exudation of mucilage
from the wood in consequence of immoderate wet.____
Bulhard says some yarieties are always yellow, others brown
or almost black.
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