C O N F E R V A scopulorura.
Green P lu sh Conferva.
Gen. Char. Seeds produced within the substance of
the capillary or jointed frond, or in closed tubercles
united with it.
Spec. Char. Dark green. Filaments simple, short,
ascending, curved, taper pointed; glutinous and
cohering at the base. Joints very sfiort.
Syn. Conferva scopulorum. Weber and M ohrs Jo u rney
to Sweden, 195. t. 3./. 3. Dillw. Syn, n. 12.
t. A.
GATHERED on planks in the sea, over which it spreads to
a great extent, near Bognor, Sussex, by Mr. Borrer, to whom
we are obliged for specimens verified by a comparison with
some sent to Mr. Turner by Dr. Mohr. It is well figured in
a small German volume, which describes a scientific tour
through Sweden, performed by this gentleman and his friend
The patches of this diminutive Conferva resemble coarse
dark-green plush or velvet, and consist of innumerable simple
filaments, which stand nearly erect, but not perfectly so, each
being irregularly bent or curved. The extremities are mostly
taper-pointed and pellucid, sometimes rather tumid. Joints
twice as broad as long. Mr. Dillwyn remarks that the filaments
ate agglutinated together towards the base in a singular
manner.. When dry they cohere in curved clotted tufts.