ULVA furcellata.
Reddish Forked Laver.
G en. Char. Frond membranous or gelatinous. Seeds
solitary, scattered throughout its substance, under
the cuticle.
Spec. Char. Frond round, gelatinous, repeatedly
forked, reddish; its ultimate segments flattened,
lanceolate, cloven.
Syn. Ulva furcellata. Turner in Schrad. Journ. v. 3. 301.
IVXr . TURNER, who first found this Ulva on submarine
rocks and stones at Sheringham, Norfolk, and communicated
a description and figure of it to the Physical Society of
Gottingen, which are published in Dr. Schrader’s Journal,
has favoured us with the principal specimen delineated in our
plate. We have annexed part of another gathered by Miss
Biddulph at Southampton, upon the fragment of a shell.
The root is a small callous disk. Fronds several, from 1
to 3 inches high, tender and gelatinous, with numerous
fork-like or alternate divisions, cylindrical and nearly of equal
thickness throughout, except that the ultimate segments are
angular or flattened, and more or less dilated, sometimes but
slightly cloven. The seeds are sparingly scattered withoutw
order just under the cuticle, brown, globular, large inrfBin-
parison with other species. The colour of the ifhole plant is
a pale brownish red, sometimes greenish.