U L V A ligulata.
Laciniated Red Laver.
C R T P T O G A M l A Alga.
Gen. Char. Frond membranous or gelatinous. Seeds
folitary, fcattered throughout its fubftance, under
the cuticle.
Spec. Char. Frond membranous, flat, branched :
branches dilated, fomewhat forked, with obtufe
angles ; terminated and fringed with ftrap-fhaped
Syn. Ulva ligulata. Woodward in Tr. of Linn. Soc.
v. 3. 54.
F o u n d by Mr. Wigg on Yarmouth beach, call up with
the Ulva atomaria; but Mr. Woodward has fince difcovered it
in a growing ftate on the rocks at Cromer.
The root is a fmall tubercle- Fronds cluftered, each of
them 5 or 6 inches high, dilated from a very flender bafe into
a wedge-lhaped figure, deeply cut into feveral unequal fub-
divided fegments ; the finufes or axilla of all the fegments are
obtufe, or rounded more or lefs. The ultimate divifions are
linear, and fomewhat acute, and the lower part of the frond
principally is fometimes fringed with procefles or leaves of a
fimilar figure, various in fize. The fubftance of the whole is
membranous, varying in thicknefs, femipellucid, of a brightifh
réd ; the margin entire and fmooth. Seeds very minute, fcattered
feparately throughout the fubftance of the frond.
Mr. Woodward fufpefts this Ulva may have been confounded
with fome varieties of Fucus ciliatus, and, we may add,
of Fucus palmatus, but its difperfed feeds make it an Ulva.