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U L V A rubra
Med Laver.
Gen. Char. Frond membranous or gelatinous. Seeds
solitary, scattered throughout its substance, under
the cuticle.
Spec. Char. Frond gelatinous, much branched, thread-
shaped, somewhat flattened, red.
Syn. Ulva rubra. Huds.511. With, v A . 126. Hull. 312.
O l JR figure of this rare Ulva is taken from a fine specimen
in the possession of Mr. Edward Forster, which was bought
at the sale of the late Mr. Hudson, the only original author
who has described the species. It was found on stones in the
sea at Christ-church, Hampshire.
The fronds grow from a small callous root, and are from an
inch and half to 3 inches high, taper at the base, much
branched and dilated upwards, solid, cylindrical, but somewhat
flattened in the broadest parts. The branches are mostly
alternate, elongated, very irregularly subdivided; their segments
rather acute than otherwise. The colour of the whole
is a tawny or dullish red, the substance gelatinous. The seeds
are scattered over the whole in round dark-coloured dots.