U L V A purpurafcens.
Purflijh Laver,
C R Y P T O G A M I A Alga.
Gen. Char. Frond membranous or gelatinous. Seeds
folitary, fcattered throughout its fubftance, under
the cuticle.
Spec. Char. Tubular, branched, roundrfh. Branches
moftly oppofite, fimple, acute.
Syn. Ulva purpurafcens, Hudf. 569. With. v. 4. 126.
Hull. 312. Woodw. T r. of Linn. Soc. v. 3, 5 2.
G o o d fpecimens of this Viva in fructification were gathered
at Falmouth by Mr. D. Turner and Mr. Sowerby,
June 13 , 1 7 9 9 . It is eatily afcertained by Mr. Hudfon’s original
defcripti on, but no figure of it has yet appeared; for,
though the plate of Lightfoot’s Fucus verticillatus is quoted
for it in p. 661 of the Flora Anglica, it cannot be fuppofed to
belong to it.
Ulva purpurafcens grows to the height of about fix inches,
and is of a light purplilh brown colour, though in our fpecimens
fcarcely purple enough to juftify the name. The main
frond is very taper at the bafe and fummit, fwelling in the
middle, roundifh, tubular, juicy, fet with numerous, almoft
always fimple, branches, two or three inches long, and of a
fimilar figure, generally oppofite. Mr. Hudfon defcribes them
as inclined to point in two directions. The feeds are fcatterej
under the cuticle without any order, fmall, and of a blackifh