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U L V A incraflata.
Thick L a ve r.
G e n . Char. Frond membranous or gelatinous. Seeds
folitary, fcattered throughout its fubftance, under
the cuticle.
Spec. Char. Frond gelatinous, flat, flnuated and
toothed, green, thickened at the margin, clothed
with tufted jointed filaments.
Syn. Ulva incraflata. Hud/. 572. With. v. 4. 124.
Relb. Suppl. 2. 23.
Tremella incraflata. Hull. 310.
T . paluftris gelatinofa, damae cornuum facie. Hill.
Mufc. 31. t. 10. ƒ. 10.
Conferva gelatinofa, damae cornua repraefentans.
D ill, in Raii Syn. 60.
F o UND by T. F. Forfter, Efq. growing on Hypnum ripa-
rium, and intermixed with Chara blfpida, in a pond at Finchley.,
The fronds are much branched and divaricated, varioufly
iinuated and toothed, compreffed, the edge of their lower part
(but not of the upper fubdivifions) thicker than the middle.
The whole plant is gelatinous and flippery, of a grafs-green
hue. Minute feeds are fcattered through its internal fubftance.
The furface is every where clothed with minute thick-fet tufts
of branched filaments, which when very highly magnified
appear jointed or beaded, fomewhat like a Conferva. A fimilar
ftru£ture in other fpecies, however, feems to prove thefe tufts a
part of the plant, and not a parafitical production.