n r i [ 774 ]
U L V A dichotoma.
Green dichotomous L a v e r .
G en . Char. Frond membranous or gelatinous. Seeds
fblitary, fcattered throughout its fubftance, under
the cuticle.
Spec. Char. Frond membranous, flat, dichotomous,
reticulated, pale-green.
S y n * J r 0™ dichotoma. Light/. 9 7 5 . p. 3 4 . Hudf. 5 6 8 .
With. v. 4 . 1 2 4 . Hull. 3 1 2 .
Fucus membranaceus dichotomus gramineus. Jtaii
Syn. 4 5 . Hudf.
r r “ ' "
J. H E beft account of the Ulva before us is given by Mr*
Lightfoot, who gueffed it to be U. dichotoma of the firft edition
of the Flora Angina, and his conje&ure is confirmed by Mr.
Hudfon in the fecond edition. The fynonym of Ray Hands on
the authority of the writer laft mentioned, who perhaps had
feen named fpecimens in fome old herbarium; otherwife there
are but (lender materials to fupport it.
Our fpecimens were gathered by Mr. Turner and Mr.
Sowerby on the Comifh coaft laft fummer. The plant is of a
flat thin texture, curioufly reticulated throughout its fubftance,
fomewhat like that kind of coralline called Flujlra. The frond
is repeatedly dichotomous, or forked, linear, entire, blunt and
generally notched at the extremities. Fig. 1 fhows its moft
general breadth; fig. 3 is a narrower variety, not much lefs
common. The feeds are blackifh, fcattered through the fubftance
of the frond. Mr. Sowerby has moreover obferved a
feries of little bladders between thefe feeds and the margin of
the leaf. What their ufe or nature is we prefume not to determine.