/O 6 [ 2351 ]
C O N F E R V A granulosa.
Granular Olive Conferva.
Gen. Char. Seeds produced within the substance of
the capillary or jointed frond, or in closed tuber-
cles united with it.
Spec, Char. Olive-green, very much branched, slen^
der. Branches scattered, compound, spreading,
with pellucid taper points. Joints as broad as
long, tumid when old. Capsules lateral, scattered,
sessile, obovate.
A b u n d a n t on submarine plants at Brighthelmston and
Shoreham, where Mr. W . Borrer collected these specimens
early in July. ■ Our liberal correspondent remarks an affinity
in this species to C. siliculosa, t. 231% which it resembles
in colour, but the ramification is evidently different. The
branches are often lengthened out into slender colourless points,
whose joints are twice as long as broad; while those of the
other parts are scarcely more than half that length. The latter
become tumid with age, assuming somewhat of a beaded appearance.
Here and there occur, at the sides of the branches,
small, solitary, sessile, obovate, brown and opaque seed-vcs-
sels; at least so they appear to be; but those who are at all
conversant with the wonders of the deep” will never speak
dogmatically on this subject, knowing how infinite is the variety
of animal as well as vegetable productions, hitherto unclassed
by the most curious naturalist, and how Proieus-like
their appearances, as they attach themselves, in different
states, to objects with which we may chance to be acquainted.
We still therefore, with our worthy friend Dillwyn’s leave,
doubt, for him and for ourselves, on some of these subjects;
see Conferva dichotoma, his t. 15, our t. 932,