CONFERVA pellucida.
P e llu c id Three-branched Conferva.
Gen. Char. Seeds produced within the substance of
the capillary or jointed frond, or in closed tubercles
united with it.
Spec. Char. Green, erect, much branched. Branches
mostly temate, cylindrical. Joints even, cylindrical,
four times as long as broad.
Syn. Conferva pellucida. Huds. 601. With. v. 4. 139.
Hull. 334.
S e n t from Yarmouth by Mr. Turner in August last.
It is cast up on the beach in large green shining pellucid
tufts, about 6 inches tall, which are somewhat wiry and
elastic to the touch. The lower part of the frond is naked
and stem-like, of a brown or purplish cast; the upper much
and repeatedly branched, the branches commonly three together,
the ultimate ones opposite or alternate; all a lijtle
spreading, exactly thread-shaped, bluntish. Joints exactly
cylindrical, about 4 times as long as broad, of an uniform
pellucid green, with partitions somewhat of a darker hue.
The fructification is unknown to ns.