C O. N F E R V A genuflexa.
Combined B en t Conferva.
Gen. Char. Seeds produced within the substance of
the capillary or jointed frond, or in closed tubercles
united with it.
Spec. Char. Light green. Filaments unbranched,
slender, brittle, here and there bent, and combined
by their angles. Joints cylindrical, thrice as long
as broad. Colouring matter in central lines.
Syn. Conferva genuflexa. Roth. Catal. v. 2. 199. v. 3.
268. L)illw. Conf. t. 6.
Conjugata angulata. Voucher Conf. t. 8.
A NA TIVE of fresh-water ditches and pools, for specimens
of which we are obliged to Mr. W. Borrer.
It floats in dense, light- or yellowish-green masses, like
several species already published in this work; but is known
from all others by the flexures or bends in its fllaments,
which, at the time as we presume of impregnation, approach
each other, and their approximating joints coalesce by a little
tube; afterwards they separate again. The green mass which
in C. spiralis, t. 1656, forms spiral lines, is here more simple,
central, and nearly straight, in each joint. The joints moreover
are longer in proportion to their diameter, and more
exactly cylindrical, than in that species.