/Y / [ 1870 ]
T R E M E L L A intumescens.
H r own Tumid Tremella.
Gen. Char. Fructification scarcely perceptible, in a
membranous je lly -lik e substance.
Spec. Char. Sessile, clustered, twisted, tumid, b row n ,
shining an d gelatinous ; when d ry , th in an d memb
F o u n d growing on a beech in St. Leonard’s forest, Sussex,
by Mr. W . Eorrer in January 18 0 7 . We can find no description
in Persoon nor any other author that accords with it.
This species, like T. mesenterica, i. 709, is in perfection in
very wet weather only, when it forms numerous roundish soft
and pulpy clusters, twisted and tumid like the intestines of
some animal, of a darkish dull brown, but with a shining surface
obscurely dotted. The inside is paler and almost white,
except that, when cut longitudinally, brown vertical streaks are
observable near the surface, in which one would suspect the
seeds to be lodged. When dry the whole plant becomes a
thin membrane.
I t is difficult in some cases to draw the line between the
Cryptogamic orders of Algce and Fungi, but the former are
commonly more durable, and especially completely revivescent
on the application of moisture. This last circumstance, added
to the affinity of Tremella to Lichen, induces us to dissent from
the ingenious Mr. Persoon, who ranges it with the Fungi.