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T R E M E L L A granulata.
Granulated Tremella.
C R T P T O G AM I A Alga.
G e n . Ch a r . Fructification fcarcely perceptible, in a
membranous jelly-like fubftance.
Spec. Char. Green, globular, cluttered, membranous,
containing a fluid.
Syn . Tremella granulata. Hudf. FI. An. 5 6 6 . With.
Bot. A rr. v. 3 . 2 2 5 . Relh. Cant. Suppl. 1 . 2 6 .
T. globola. Weis Gotting. 28.
T. paluftris, veficulis fphaericis fungiformibus. Dill.
Mufc. 55. t. 10. ƒ. ij.
Ulva granulata. Linn. Sp. PI. 163 3. nec Mant. 136.
Lichenoides fungiforme, capitulis vel veficulis fphse-
ricis aqueo humore repletis. Rail Syn. jo .
G a t h e r e d very abundantly Sept. 8, 17 9 5 , at Camberwell
m a pond partly dried up, alfo on the mud of ditches in that
neighbourhood. It confifts of innumerable green globules,
about the fize of muftard feed, feffile at firft, but foon elevated
on a thick foot-ftalk, attached to ' the mud by fibrous roots,
but not connefted with each other by any kind of cruft or
leaf. When walked upon they crackle under the feet like thin
ice, and difcharge a watery fluid; which alfo comes out fpon-
taneoufly, as the plant advances in age, by an orifice at the top,
and immediately afterwards the fldn collapfes, forming a little
cup with a hole in the centre. See our magnified reprefenta-
Mr. Relhan juftly obferves that the Ulva granulata of Murray’s
% ?. Veg. taken up from the Mantijfa, muft, from the
defcription, be a different plant from that intended in the
Species Plantarum and Flora Suecica, which laft is unqueftion-
ably our prefent Tremella.