U L V A fiftulofa.
Pipe Laver.
C R Y P T O G AMI A Alga.
G en. Char. Frond membranous or gelatinous. Seeds
folitary, fcattered throughout its fubilance, under
the cuticle.
Spec. Char, Gelatinous, tubular, uniform, fimple,
bluntifh, a little zigzag, yellowifli brown.
Syn. Ulva filiulofa. Hudf. 569. With. v. 4. 125.
Hull. 313, W’oodvo. T r. of Linn. Soc. v. 3. 52.
G a t h e r e d at Falmouth at the fame time with the preceding.
No author feems to have defcribed it, except after
Ms. Hudfon, who afcribes to it a creeping root, which we have
not feen.
The fronds grow in clufters, upright, three or four inches
high, and are quite fimple, cylindrical, hollow within, but
clofed and rather bluntifh at the top, a little uneven or zigzag
throughout, tapering at the bafe. Their colour is an uniform
yellowifh pale brown. Seeds minute, fcattered, as in the other
fpecies, throughout the tender fubftance of the plant, and to be
difcovered chiefly by their darker hue.