V A U C H E R I A geminata.
Twin-stalked Vaucheria.
Gen. Char. Anthera awlshaped, incurved. Capsules
adjoining to the anthera, ovate, single-seeded, in
pairs or solitary.
Spec. Char. Capsules in pairs and solitary, on opposite
partial stalks, growing out of one common stalk
with the anthera.
Syn. Ectosperma geminata. Vaucher Conf. 29. t. 2.
f i
PO U N D with the preceding in Sussex, and sent by Mr.
W . Borrer. We believe indeed that neither species is rare j
but this gentleman has first in England verified the observations
of M. Vaucher concerning both.
No specific distinction can be found between the filaments
of this and El sessilis, but the fructification is surely distinct
enough to form a character. One common stalk bears both
organs. The anthera is terminal. The capsules grow on
opposite partial stalks, and in one instance Mr. J. D. Sowerby
has met with 2 pairs of them, one above another. Sometimes,
on the contrary, there is only one capsule to au anthera, as
in the former species.
The dark-coloured animal, mentioned in the last page, is
common on both species, as well as the Cyclops Lupula. Is
the former the parent animal, and are the small pale ones its
young progeny ?
M . V a u c h e r re fe rs to th is g e n u s o u r Conferva velutina,
t. 1 5 5 6 , o f w h ic h M i c b e l i h a s fir s t im p e r fe c t ly o b se rv ed the
c a p su le s . S e e Mich. Gen. t. 89. f . 5 , G .