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T R E M E L L A 'Sabin*.
Savine Tremella.
Gen. Char. Fructification fcarcely perceptible, in a
membranous jelly-like fubftance.
Spec. Char. Seffile, prominent, oblong, tooth-
fhaped, tawny, fomewhat powdery.
Syn. Tremella Sabinae. Dick/. Crypt, fafc. i. 14 .
With. v. 4 . 79. Hull. 309.
Fungus gelatinus dentatus, Sabinae adnafcens, fulvi
coloris. Rail Syn. 16.
IV lO S T parafitical plants of the clafs Cryptogamia are
found either upon totally dead trunks or branches, which is
the cafe with Fungi, and with Tremella in general; or they
are rooted, like the cruftaceous Lichens, in decayed external
layers of the bark. On the contrary, the production now
before us fprings from the live wood, under the bark, of the
moft vigorous branches of Juniperus Sabina. The branch is
always fwelled in that part, but otherwife healthy. The ex-
crefcences themfelves are from one line to an inch long, their
length and bulk decreafing exactly in proportion with the
thicknefs of the branch from which they originate, fo that
fome fituated on the very youngeft green twigs are extremely
fmall. Thefe never however grow larger. They all come
forth together in very wet feafons only, and are oblong, of
no very determinate figure, often lobed, of a brownifh orange
hue. Their fubftance is mucilaginous, their furface powdery,
but deftitute of any fkin. Sometimes they are fomewhat
hollow. In dry weather they fuddenly collapfe and dry up.
—An exactly fimilar fubftance is found on the. Juniperus communis,
and is certainly what Linnaeus meant by his T.juni-
From the above circumftances I have always thought thefe
to be mere gummy exudations, and that the powdery furface
was owing to refinous particles, infoluble in water, accompanying
them. No one has hitherto affented to this opinion.
I propofe it for the fake of enquiry only.