/ $ / [ i i 6 6 ]
Red Cotifetva,
G e n . C h a r . Seeds p roduced in ro u n d , folitary, clofed
tu b e rc les , p ro je c tin g from th e frond, b u t u n ited
with it.
S p e c * C h a r . Scarle t, repe atedly b ra n c h e d , tb re a d -
fliaped, th ick ly jo in te d ; u ltim ate b ranches briftle-
fhaped, a lte rn a te . Capfules feffile, folitary, dark
re d . J
S y n . Conferva ru b ra . H ud/. 600. W ith v 4 1 28
Hud. 3 3 3 . *
C . no d u lo fa. Light/. 9 9 4 .
C. m a rin a g en ic u la ta rarnofiffima lu b ric a, lontris
fparfifve ramulis. Raii Syn. 6 1 . D ill. Mufc. 3 4 .
P M r have mentioned p. 1 x63 that this Conferva often grows
on Fucus lycopodhides. From the fame gentlemen to whom
we are obliged for that communication, we have received full-
grown fpecimens on the Hem of the great F. digitatus. It is
not a rare fpecies, being found, either growing or caft up, on
the coaft of various parts of Britain.
Its colour, naturally a fine red, is foon changed to a pale or
fandy hue by expofure on the beach, efpecially in the older
branches. The fronds are numerous, very much and alternately
branched, (lender, thread-fhaped, very clofely jointed throughout,
their ultimate branches briftle-fliaped and a little incurved.
The joints are deep red ; the interfiles pale, as ufual in other
fpecies. The capfules, full of dark red feeds, ftand fefiile and
folitary upon the tides of the fmaller branches.
1803 Lheblt/keci ly Ja s Sowerhy JLondon