C O N S E R V A atro -purputeaj
Dark-purple Simple Conferva.
Gen. Char. Seeds produced within the substance of
th e capillary or jointed frond, o r in closed tubercles
united with it.
Spec. Char. Deep purple. Filaments simple, a t length
swelling unequally. Joints about as long as broad,
with a double transverse row o f seeds in each.
Syn. Conferva atro-purpurea. Roth. Catal.fasc. 3.
2 0 8 . t. 6 . Dillw. Conf. t. 1 0 3 . Syn. n. 57.
O u r specimens were communicated to our good friend
Mr. Turner by Mr. Rashleigh, from Cornwall.
The root of this, plant is found by the microscope to consist
of a very evident tuft of fibres. Numerous fronds grow together,
forming close, silky clusters, of a deep dull purple,
an inch or two long. Each frond is quite simple, finer than
the finest human hair, uniform in thickness till it swells in
various parts irregularly as it advances in age. The joints are
nearly as long as broad, pellucid, each containing an assemblage
of dark purple matter, presumed to be the seeds, lodged
in two transverse rows. Dr. Roth says such is its most perfect
or vigorous state, and that by age or drying the purple
matter occupies the whole internal part of each joint. We
have only seen it dried, but the separation in general remains,
and there is often a further division of the contents longitudi-