[ 2447 ]
T R E M E L L A Auricula.
Jew's-ear Tremella.
Gen. Char. Fructification scarcely perceptible, in a
membranous jelly-like substance.
Spec. Char. Sessile, le a th e ry , red d ish b r o w n ; ro u g h
b e n e a th ; ru g g e d a n d p la ite d ab o v e , re sem b lin g
a n ea r.
Syn. T rem e lla A u r ic u la . Linn. Sp. P I. 1625. Huds.
5 63 . P e rs. Syn. 624. Bull. t. 4 27 . ƒ. 2.
Peziza Auricula. With. v. 4. 3 51 . H ull. 405.
JRelh. 525. Sibth. 3 8 7 . Bull. Fung. v. 1. 2 4 1 .'
P . auriculam referens. R ati Syn. 18.
Agaricum auriculae forma. Mich. Gen. 124. t. 66.
ĥ 1.
G e n e r a l l y found upon rotten stumps of the Elder-
tree. This species is of a semi-transparent, more or less deep,
reddish brown, the under surface darkest, opaque, and rough-
ish; the upper smooth and more shining, corrugated; the
plaits branching from the middle part where they are strongest,
and somewhat convoluted, so as to convey an idea 6f the human
ear. When this plaht grows on a perpendicular stump or
tree, it turns upwards.
Bulliard, though he first published a figure of the present
species as a Tremella, has, in his text, removed it to Peziza,
<£ because,” he says, “ the seeds are not discharged from every
point of its surface, but only from the upper side.”