/ù> f [ 968 ]
ULVA pruniformis.
Plum L a v e r .
Gen. Char. Frond membranous or gelatinous. Seeds
folitary, fcattered throughout its fubftance, under
the cuticle.
S p e c . C h a r . Frond globofe, gelatinous, filled with
foft pulp, olive-green, clothed with awl-fhaped
S y n . Ulva pruniformis. Linn. Sp. PI. 163 3. Hudf. $ 7 2 .
With. v. 4 . 120. Relh. Suppl. 3. 14 . Abbot. 274.
Tremella pruniformis. Hull. 3 10 .
M r . HUDSON mentions the lakes of Weftmoreland as
the native place of this lingular Ulva. Our fpecimens were
collected by Mr. Dawfon Turner in turf pits not far from
It grows on aquatic plants under water, feffile, globofe, of
various fizes from that of a pea to a bullace plum, which laft
it frequently more exactly refembles by means of a furrow or
contraction on one fide. Its colour is a dull or olive green.
The furface is clothed with lhaggy awllhaped filaments, tapering
into very {lender points, which, though not jointed, evince
the affinity of this plant to that in our laft plate. The coat or
fkin of this Ulva is moderately thick, flelhy or gelatinous,
enveloping a mafs of pale foft pulp, in which Linnaeus obferved
the minute feeds. His defcription in FI. Suecica, f . 434, is
excellent, and leaves no doubt as to the identity of his plant.