[ 1800 ] /di
TR EM E L LA cruenta.
Gory Tremella.
G e n . C h a r . Fructification scarcely perceptible, in a
membranous jelly-like substance.
S p e c . C h a r . Minutely granulated,diffuse,indeterminate,
shining, d ark purple.
C o m m o n about the lower parts of walls in damp situations,
even in the streets of close towns, during the wet
wintry months. In such situations it forms broad indeterminate
patches, of a deep rich purple, with a shining surface,
as if blood or red wine had been poured over the stone or
ground. When examined with a microscope, it proves to be
a congeries of extremely minute, pellucid, globular granulations,
all equal in size. No particular scent or flavour is observable,
nor does this production appear to have any affinity,
as we once thought it might, to Byssus {or Lichen) Jolithus ;
neither is it alluded to in the Rev. Mr. Starke's paper of inquiry
concerning that plant. See Sims and König’s Ann. o f
Bot. v. 1. 283.—We have thought it worth while to commemorate
this vegetable, as no botanist can overlook its existence,
though he may be puzzled where to place it. We are well
aware that it can only rank as a Tremella till more observations
are made on the subject; but it Certainly agrees better
with that genus than with any other established one. When
gathered in a perfect state it dries well, and retains its colour.