y < S
U L V A diaphana.
Pellucid Laver.
Gen. Char. Frond membranous or gelatinous, with
the feeds fcattered through its fubftance. Woodward.
Spec. Char. Gelatinous, pale yellovvilh, pellucid,
fomewhat cylindrical, with numerous branches
of various lizes.
Syn. Ulva diaphana./ Hudf. F I. An. 570. With.
Bot. Arr. v. 3. 232.
Alcyonium gelatinofum. Linn. Syji. Nat. v. 1.
Fucus fpongiofus nodofus. Rail Syn. 49.
TP J . H IS fingular production occurs now and then on the
fea coaft in various places. Our figure was communicated by
Mr. Woodward from a drawing by the fon of Dr. Withering.
The main item, various in height, is feldom divided, but
throws out many thick-fet branches, which are alfo very
various in length, fometimes notched and divided, at other
times Ample and entire. Every part is exceffively flelhy and
juicy, the furface fmooth, the colour varying from a very pale
brown, almoft like that of wet fea-fand, to a clear yellow; in
the latter cafe the plant has exactly the appearance of the
fubftance called barley fugar (a corruption, we prefume, of
fucre brûlé) of the paler kind. The whole fubftance abounds
with innumerable minute feeds.